UMTIK 2022 19th International Conference on Machine Design
  and Production
  Nevşehir / Kapadokya
YER   Nevşehir / Kapadokya
DÜZENLEYEN KURULUŞ   Çeşitli Üniversiteler
ETKİNLİK MERKEZİ   Kapadokya Üniversitesi
Dear Colleagues,

We are pleased to invite you to UMTIK 2022, the 19th International Conference on Machine Design and Production. The conference will take place on August 31- 3 September, 2022 in Cappadocia, Nevşehir and will be hosted by the Presidency of Cappadocia University. Cappadocia University has been selected as the venue of this conference because Cappadocia is the home-town of Professor Memiş Acar, a devoted member of the UMTIK International Program Committee. Professor Memiş Acar passed away on 8th August 2018 shortly after UMTIK 2018 in Eskişehir. He and his wife Professor Serpil Acar actively contributed to most of the UMTIK conferences as authors, as panel members, as special session organizers, and as reviewers. They were about to participate in UMTIK 2018 in Eskişehir when Memiş was diagnosed with an aggressive illness. The UMTIK Organizing Committee has therefore decided to dedicate UMTIK 2020 to the memory of Professor Memiş Acar.

The first day of the conference, August 31, 2022, is devoted to commemorating Professor Memiş Acar with talks, scientific papers, panels, seminars, etc. and will be organized by his two former students: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Volkan Esat of METU NCC and Asst. Prof. Dr. Selçuk Himmetoğlu of Hacettepe University. You are kindly requested to get in touch with them if you have any activities to propose to celebrate the life and achievements of Memiş, as an academician, scientist and engineer and as a person.

With this call, we encourage you to submit your proposals to organize special sessions, or any other activities as mentioned above. You can send your proposal(s) with your short CV to the Organizing Committee for approval. Organizers of the activities will be responsible for collection, evaluation and editing of the contributions in the conference format and submitting them to the Organizing Committee within the announced deadline using UMTIK 2020 web site. The organizers are also expected to chair/moderate the activities they organize. As the topics and the organizers of the activities are clarified, they will be announced under the heading of Events at UMTIK 2020 web site.

All from academia and industry willing to disseminate, share and advance their knowledge and expertise are welcome to participate in UMTIK 2020 as authors or audience members.

We are looking forward to your participation and contributions in making UMTIK 2022 yet another successful UMTIK conference. Please feel free to contact any one of the organizing committee members for further information. We hope to see you in Cappadocia in 2022 summer.

All the best,

