International Conference
İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler
YER   İstanbul
TARİH   18-19.KASIM.2022
DÜZENLEYEN KURULUŞ   Yeditepe Üniversitesi Yönetim Uygulama ve
Araştırma Merkezi (YUVAM)

ETKİNLİK MERKEZİ   Yeditepe Üniversitesi
Keynote Speaker;

Dr. Hakan Yurdakul

Board Member at Presidency of the Republic of Turkey - Board of Economic Policies

**Additional keynote speakers will be announced soon.

Circular economy is an economic system that focuses on the elimination of waste and on the continual use of resources. Inputs for new products come from used products, all resources are used more efficiently by being used more than once. A lifespan of a product is extended in the circular economy by reallocating waste from the end to the beginning of the supply chain. The basis of the circular economy study is a transition to renewable energy sources. Main principles of the circular economy are design out waste and pollution, keep products and materials in use and regenerate natural systems.

Sustainability is the study on continual existence of different systems. Sustainability refers to the use of resources without compromising the usage of these resources by future generations. The main principles of sustainability are based on economic, environmental and social systems. At the same time study of sustainability focuses on how natural systems function and keep the ecology in balance.

The primary principle of reaching the goals of sustainability is the efficient functioning of circular economy. The interaction of the circular economy and sustainability combines disciplines of economy, management, engineering, technology, environment and society. Interdisciplinary studies are important pieces in puzzles of solving environmental problems and of improving technological methods for the sustainable development of our world.

Call for Papers and Participation

We invite academic researchers, company managers and public policy makers to participate in and contribute to this conference to discuss the circular economy and sustainability issues. The interaction of these two disciplines may be organized in 3 main groups. Studies are not limited to the covered topics in the list:

Micro-level includes studies at the firm-level, which are referred to technological and managerial issues like circular economy business models, sustainable entrepreneurship, circular economy start-ups, sustainable management strategies, clean technologies, solutions for ecological balance, green building, innovative approaches, green design, efficient solutions for the pollution and waste decline in different areas of natural systems.
Meso-level includes studies on industrial ecology and cover topics like eco-industrial parks, green logistics, landscape reclamation, green supply chain management policies and others.
Macro level includes general policies related to the ecological balance and covers studies on environmental policies for circular economy, green production, green consumption, industrial sustainability, sustainable cities and urban design, green infrastructure, circular economy infrastructure, public infrastructure for circular economy.
