2nd International Workshop: Constructive Mathematical Analysis
  - IWCMA 2023
Fen Bilimleri
YER   Konya
TARİH   6-8.TEMMUZ.2023
DÜZENLEYEN KURULUŞ   Journal Constructive Mathematical Analysis

ETKİNLİK MERKEZİ   Konya Selçuk Üniversitesi
ETKİNLİK WEB SAYFASI   iwcma.selcuk.edu.tr/
“2nd International Workshop: Constructive Mathematical Analysis’’ is an activity of the journal Constructive Mathematical Analysis which was founded in 2018.

The main goal of this workshop is to promote, encourage, and provide a forum for the academic exchange of ideas and recent research works. The workshop will present new results and future challenges, in a series of keynote lectures and contributed short talks.

The workshop will be held in Konya located in the Central Anatolia region of Turkey. The Workshop will be devoted to recent advances in the fields:

Real analysis
Complex analysis
Potential theory
Special functions and their applications
Matrix analysis
Approximations and expansions
Harmonic analysis
Fourier analysis
Integral transforms-operational calculus
Functional analysis
Fixed Point Theory
Operator theory
Miscellaneous applications of functional analysis
Convex and geometric analysis
Stochastic analysis
Numerical analysis
and the Applications of these fields in other areas.

The workshop is only presence and there is registration fee (see venue page), and only one presentation is allowed for each participants. The presentation language is English and the abstracts must be prepared according to LateX Template with the instructions which are available here. The all submissions will be peer-reviewed by at least two referees and the submissions which are accepted will be allowed to be presented. The selected papers presented in IWCMA will be published in the special issues of the Workshop journals.

Moreover, after evaluation process by the scientific committee of the workshop, accepted full-text Proceedings will be published in “2023 Proceedings of 2nd International Workshop on Constructive Mathematical Analysis” (ISBN: 978-625-00-1216-1) and this book will be published after the workshop is over. LateX Template with the instructions which are available here.

The plenary speakers are

Ali Aral, PhD, Kırıkkale University
Carlo Bardaro, PhD, University of Perugia (Online)
Danilo Costarelli, PhD, University of Perugia (Online)
Harun Karslı, PhD, Bolu Abant Izzet Baysal University
Gianluca Vinti, PhD, University of Perugia (Online)

We look forward to seeing you in IWCMA.

Tuncer Acar, Osman Alagöz
Chairmen of IWCMA
