7. Ortadoğu'da Siyaset Ve Toplum Kongresi
  7th Middle East Congress on Politics and Society
YER   Sakarya
TARİH   24-25.EKİM.2024
DÜZENLEYEN KURULUŞ   Sakarya Üniversitesi Ortadoğu Enstitüsü (ORMER)

ETKİNLİK MERKEZİ   Sakarya Üniversitesi Turgut Özal Kongre Merkezi
ETKİNLİK WEB SAYFASI   middleeastcongress.org/
The 7th Middle East Congress on Politics and Society organized biennially by the Middle East Institute of Sakarya University, will be held from October 24 to 25, 2024. The congress will be Turgut Ozal Congress Center in Sakarya University in collaboration with the University of Granada. Middle East Congress on Politics and Society continues its mission of guiding research on the region and providing perspectives for the future. Given the renewed prominence of the Israel – Palestine conflict in world politics since October 2023, the primary objective of the upcoming congress is to discuss potential solutions by evaluating developments in Palestine and analyzing political and social changes in the Middle East, thereby offering new perspectives. In this context, Sakarya University’s Middle East Institute invites al researchers to the congress to contribute to a deeper understanding of the region and finding solutions to its problems.

The Congress topics include but not limited to the following themes:

Middle East History
Non-State Actors
Regional Diplomacy
Conflict Resolution, War, and Peace
Geopolitics, Energy, and Political Economy
Middle East and Great Powers
Political Transformations and Social Movements
Media, Communication, and Politics
Migration and Displacement
Social Gender Equality
Environmental Problems and Sustainable Development
Israel – Palestine Conflict
