Dear Beloved Sport Scientist
The time to get together in Antalya is apporoaching. As the lcal organizers of the ECSS 2010 Antalya Congress, in collaboration with the ECSS board, we have prepared an excellent social, cultural and scientific congress worth attending. All footsteps of farmer ECSS congress organizers were followed and requirements were fulfilled with vigilance.
The venue of the congress is daring and trendy. Not only the science but the bright sun, crystal clear sea, the blue sky and the entertainment will n-be challenging. Please make sure you bright your hat, sandals, sun glasses, camera and sun protection cream with you! The rest will be our responsibility. Besides the scientific program, you need to be physically, mentelly and socially fit for around-a-clock congress venue;Adam and Evehotel is one of the leading hotels of Turkey and received the Best Cool Hotel of the World Award in 2007.we assume it will be unique for all Ecss2010Congress participants.
The main structure of the scientific program is established and we are looking forward to receiving abstracts. Due to the geographical location of turkey we expect attendance from all continents; these participants will bring their voices, colors and culture and we all will try to mix these in the Mediterranean style.
The Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Education, Department of Physical Education and Sport is proud to host this distinguished organization. We respectfully thank all our participants that made this dream come throught.
Sincerely yours,
Prof. Feza Korkusuz MD
Congress President
In the name of Middle East Technical University
Physical Education and Sports Department