24. IPMA (Uluslararası Proje Yönetimi Birliği) Dünya Kongresi
  24th IPMA World Congress
YER   İstanbul
TARİH   1-3.KASIM.2010
DÜZENLEYEN KURULUŞ   IPMA International Project Management Association

ETKİNLİK MERKEZİ   Hilton İstanbul
ETKİNLİK WEB SAYFASI   http://www.ipma2010.com
Dear Participants,
It is our great pleasure to be hosting the 24th IPMA World Congress 2010 in Istanbul. The main theme of the congress is to identify the changes that need to be made to tackle the challenges and seize the opportunities brought about by new realities in the world economy

Looking to the future and considering whether the business of project management is likely to change, the level of professionalism applied to projects must improve.

Project management is supposedly a systemic approach to management of change.

Which raises more questions:

How can we understand and model change?
Without a proper perspective on change, we cannot understand what role project management will take in the 21st Century
How can the less advanced societies be assisted in their quest to achieve accelerated economic and social progress?
Which directions to choose for the future?
The new realities in the world economy present both challenges and opportunities, and both must be addressed if we are to fulfil the objective of benefit.

We believe that this is the right time to pause for thought and reflect on these important issues.
The 24th IPMA World Congress 2010 will be a good opportunity for Project Management Specialist, getting together from all over the world and share experiences and knowledge with the latest project and practice.

Istanbul has been chosen as host city of the 24th IPMA World Congress, not only because of its historical and cultural heritage, but also for its location. Istanbul is at the center of an economic and political area known as Eurasia, where 3 regions– Europe, the former Soviet Union and Middle East, intersect.

Hoping to see you in Turkey on the occasion of the 24th IPMA World Congress 2010 in Istanbul.
See you in Istanbul.

Prof. Dr. Çetin ELMAS
Chairman of the 24th IPMA World Congress
