5. Dünya Pozitif Psikoterapi Kongresi
  5th World Congress of Positive Psychotherapy
Tıp Kongreleri
YER   İstanbul
TARİH   9-12.EKİM.2010
DÜZENLEYEN KURULUŞ   -World Association of Positive Psychotherapy
-Türkiye Psikiyatri Derneği

ETKİNLİK MERKEZİ   The Greenpark Otel Bostancı
ETKİNLİK WEB SAYFASI   http://positum2010.org
Dear Colleagues,

We are pleased to announce the Vth World Congress of Positive Psychotherapy in Istanbul, Turkey, from October 9th – 12th 2009. A professional Congress Organizer, Minas Travel & Organisation Company, has been contracted and cooperates with us. The World Congress website will be informing you about the progress of our planning and program details. The international advisory board, the scientific program committee, the international organizing committee and local organizing committee would like to convince you that, apart from Istanbul´s historical, touristic and economical appeal, it will be worthwhile from a scientific and cross-cultural point of view too to participate in the Vth World Congress of Positive Psychotherapy. We chose the topic “Positive Psychotherapy in a globalized world” because we think it reflects the cross-cultural and also emotional perspective of Positive Psychotherapy in our times.

The congress wants to provide a platform for interdisciplinary dialogue, a worldwide cross-cultural understanding, professional and training standards of methods, development of treatment approaches, mutual learning among psychotherapists from different cultures, supporting scientific activities in research, training and therapeutic issues, particularly topics of Positive Psychotherapy.

The congress format includes plenary sessions, keynote speakers, courses, workshops, poster presentations, discussion groups. We will be pleased to receive your applications for lectures, workshops and posters.

We look forward to welcoming you to Istanbul!

With best regards,

Dr. Med. Habil Hamid Peseschkian
On behalf of International Advisory Board
International Organizing Committee
Local Organizing Committee
Scientific Program Committee
