Dear colleagues,
As President of the International Council for Laboratory Animal Science (ICLAS), it is my pleasure to invite colleagues from all parts of the world to the Third ICLAS East Mediterranean Meeting and to the XV ICLAS General Assembly. The scientific meeting organized under the leadership of the Laboratory Animal Science Association (LASA) Turkey will be held in the wonderful city of Istanbul, Turkey, on June 13 to 15, 2011. The XV ICLAS General Assembly will be held on the afternoon of
June 12 and the morning of June 13, 2011.
ICLAS is an international non-governmental and non-profit scientific organization. ICLAS exists to promote high standards of animal care and use in education, research, testing and diagnosis, to promote good science and foster humane practices in science. The main aims of ICLAS are to promote and coordinate the development of laboratory animal science throughout the world and as a matter of priority in developing countries, to collect and disseminate information on laboratory animal science, and to promote worldwide harmonization in the care and use of laboratory animals.
ICLAS considers this meeting in Istanbul, Turkey to be a prime opportunity to discuss and disseminate best practices in laboratory animal science. This is of great importance to all developed and developing countries as we all have considerable scientific, ethical and financial interest in working towards ensuring that our animal-based studies are comparable and are of the highest quality possible.
ICLAS wishes to sincerely thank LASA Turkey for its commitment to organize this important scientific meeting that will follow the election of the ICLAS Governing Board 2011-2015. I feel confident that we will all benefit from this meeting, and I hope to see all of you in Istanbul in June 2011.
With my warmest regards,
Gilles Demers, DVM, MSc
President, International Council for Laboratory Animal Science