JCI World Congress 2007
  Antalya / Kundu
İş Hayatı
YER   Antalya / Kundu
TARİH   5-11.KASIM.2007
DÜZENLEYEN KURULUŞ   JCI -Junior Chamber International
ETKİNLİK MERKEZİ   WOW Topkapı Palace Otel
ETKİNLİK WEB SAYFASI   http://www.jci-antalya2007.com
E. Meltem Sahsuvar
Congress Director
JCI World Congress 2007 Antalya

Fellow JCI Members we are ‘'on air ‘'

It is my pleasure welcoming you to the 2007 JCI World of Wonders Congress web page. Our main aim is to open a powerful channel of communication. And our web- page lies at the heart of this communication channel. Therefore we would like you to visit our web page frequently. This will lead you to be aware of the latest news and get the benefits of promotions and thrilling surprises.

Our congress team and JCI Turkey members have been working very hard for months for organizing a historical world congress for you.

The Congress will be held in a very small and a new country called “The JCI Land”. There is only one neighbor of The JCI Land which is Turkey. Turkey is at the cross-roads of three continents where Asia, Africa and Europe converge for one of the charming places in the World. There is not only history, natural beauties and leisure but also it is one of the 10 big emerging markets, the 17th largest and the 4th fastest growing economy in the world.

“The JCI Land” is located within the borders of Antalya City which is the biggest tourism resort in Turkey on the Mediterranean Coast. There are sun, sea, nature and the ancient historical sites and some combination of activities, such as, safari runs, paragliding, parasailing, diving, white water rafting, trekking, hiking. But you should also reserve some time for Antalya's world famous shopping facilities and fabulous night life.

Now you know all but “The JCI Land”. It is the time for revealing the secret.
It's the newest country in the world which is waiting for its citizens.
It's the most friendly country where you feel like a SULTAN by the Turkish Hospitality
It's the land of parties around the clock.
It's the smallest country in the world so no need for transportation
Don't forget you are the Sultan in the JCI Land And Sultans do not need MONEY.

Dear JCI fellows, this is an open invitation from the deep inside of our hearts to Antalya for the “World of Wonders Congress”…

Enjoy Turkey
