Dear Colleagues and Friends,
It is our pleasure and privilege to invite you to the 41st ECLSO Congress to be held in Istanbul, Turkey on 9-11 September 2011.
The ECLSO Congress is an annual meeting at which ophthalmologists can share their knowledge about contact lenses and their medical applications, ranging from basic refractive problems to special applications and customized contact lenses, which were once considered impossible, but have become reality now thanks to the latest developments in science and technology.
The congress in 2011 is special because, for the first time in the history of the ECLSO meetings, we will be organising practical courses, which will be of two different types. The first type of courses will be in the format of live fitting, a sort of live surgery ; biomicroscopic images of previously examined patients, and their data, will be projected on a screen in the plenary room, so that the information will be available to all participants by means of a video system.
In the second type of practical courses, a limited number of participants will be given theoretical and practical information on three selected topics, i.e. keratoconus, astigmatism and presbyopia. Two instructors for each topic, one of whom will be a Turkish native speaker, will fit contact lenses on a patient in the examination room. The biomicroscopic images of the patients will be projected on screen so that the participants will be able to communicate with the patient about their personal fi ndings regarding contact lenses. Since each topic will be treated at a different moment, participants will be able to attend all three topics, and this free of charge.
We are honoured to invite our colleagues to Turkey, the land of miracles and new horizons, home to legendary treasures and sites, and especially to Istanbul, the capital of two empires, Byzantine and Ottoman, an exciting and welcoming place to discover.
Istanbul has established the link between the East and the West, past and present, Christianity and Islam, passion and tolerance.
We are looking forward to welcoming you to the 41st ECLSO Congress in Istanbul, the capital of culture in 2010, so that we can share with you our science, history and culture in a unique city where continents meet.
Local Committee
Ayfer Kanpolat
Tomris Sengor
Hilmi Or