9th Asian Congress of Neurological Surgeons
Tıp Kongreleri
YER   İstanbul
TARİH   2-5.EYLÜL.2012
DÜZENLEYEN KURULUŞ   -WFNS World Federation of Neurosurgical Societies
-Türk Nöroşirurji Derneği

ETKİNLİK MERKEZİ   Harbiye Askeri Müze ve Kültür Sitesi
ETKİNLİK WEB SAYFASI   http://www.acns2012.com
Dear Honored Guests,

I am delighted to invite you to attend the 9th Asian Congress of Neurological Surgeons, which will be held on September 2-5, 2012 in Harbiye Cultural Center, Istanbul, Turkey.

ACNS meeting will be organized for the first time in Istanbul, one of the most historical cities and one of the most popular international congress and exhibition destinations. Istanbul is also the only metropolis in the world that bridge two continents. The main objective of the congress is to offer a high-level communication platform, providing the opportunity to extend and to enrich the field of development of neurosurgery in the very west part of Asia. We invite all neurosurgeons in the region to submit abstracts for oral and poster presentations. We also prepare a significant support for young neurosurgeons from the Asian countries.

We believe this conference will provide sessions of high scientific content, innovative topics, stimulating discussions on neurosurgery. In addition to the scientific program, there will be an enticing social program to make this congress a memorable event on the calendar. We also consider that this meeting is a good opportunity to get to know each other and establish new professional contacts and friendships among specialists from Asian countries.

We are looking forward to seeing you in Istanbul on September, 2012 for this outstanding meeting "Asian Congress of Neurological Surgeons" for academic communication and friendship, and also enjoy the historic sightseeing and modern entertainment in the city of Istanbul.

With best regards.

Mehmet Zileli, M.D.
Congress President
Past President of the Turkish Neurosurgical Society
