We are looking forward to seeing physics educators, teachers, researchers, and policy makers from around the world at this very first World Conference on Physics Education to be held in Istanbul in July 2012. The conference was initiated by Groupe International de Recherche sur l'Enseignement de la Physique (GIREP) and theInternational Commission on Physics Education (ICPE) – Commission 14 of the International Union for Pure and Applied Physics (IUPAP). It is being sponsored byGIREP, ICPE and the Multimedia in Physics Teaching and Learning (MPTL) group and endorsed by American Association of Physics Teachers (AAPT), Latin American Physics Education Network (LAPEN) and the Asian Physics Education Network (AsPEN).
The vision for 2012 World Conference on Physics Education is to follow a global participative process before, during and after the conference. The Conference will be structured to help foster collaborations on physics education research and development which can transcend national boundaries. The goal will be reached through working sessions which will develop actions plans that strengthen the teaching and learning of physics at all levels and in many countries.
The 2012 World Conference on Physics Education will be a concrete step forward in global cooperation. Envisaged as a series of conferences with a four year periodicity, it would be a working conference with follow-up actions that presumably would carry over to the following conference.