It is my pleasure to invite you to join the International Gastrointestinal Cancers Conference (IGICC 2012) to be held between 14-16 December 2012 in Istanbul. This is the second of this international premier scientific event endorsed by international societies such as, ESMO, UICC and ASCO. This gastrointestinal congress will include all gastrointestinal malignancies also covering NETs, GISTs and gastrointestinal lymphomas and issues related to the care of patients with gastrointestinal cancer. The delegates will gain a greater understanding of current clinical practises in gastrointestinal malignancies with lectures by high profile international speakers, presentations of cutting-edge research and clinical practice, clinical case discussions, seminars and a wide range of submitted papers. IGICC will create opportunities for participants to present and share experiences, explore new directions and debate topics with international experts.
Considering the success of the first, second IGICC will be again an indispensible oppurtunity for education and update of the treatment of gastrointestinal cancers, providing a clear overview for treatment, with the focus on individualized, multidisciplinary approach with the participation of broad range of experts.
I cordially invite you to participate in this meeting by attending and submitting an abstract to be considered for presentation in IGICC 2012.
We look forward to welcoming you to Istanbul
Prof. Dr. Suayib Yalcin
For the behalf of Scientific Committee of IGICC 2012