Dear Colleagues,
We are delighted to invite you to the 5th International Congress of Molecular Medicine that will be held in Elazig, Turkey, from June 27th to 30th, 2013 under the auspices of the Turkish Society of Molecular Medicine
Congress program will consist of outstanding lectures, including keynote talks, plenary sessions, oral & poster presentations & exhibition.
Submitted research abstracts will be published at “IN VIVO” (International Journal of Experimental and Clinical Pathophysiology and Drug Research).
The biennial congress of molecular medicine has been established as an important forum for researchers and clinicians from all around the world to focus on the latest developments in Molecular medicine.
It brings together intentionally recognized scientists to discuss trends, technologies and clinical applications in areas including new approaches in Genomic analyses, Molecular basis of cancer, Molecular Markers in Cancer, Free radicals in Cancer, Environment and genetics factors in lipid related disorders, Molecular mechanism of heart preconditioning, Angiogenesis, Stem cell and stem cell therapy, Genetic immunology, Proteomics and small molecules, Response therapy and molecular genetics in various disorders in field of pediatric endocrinology, Biochemistry and biochemical genetic, etc.
The venue of the congress will be the Firat (Euphrates) University - one of the biggest academic institutions in the East of Turkey. The university enjoys a high prestige at national and international level with 12 faculties, 4 institutes, 2 highschools, 1 state conservatory and 6 vocational highschools and over 20.170 students, 1.470 academicians and 1.130 administrative staff.
Elazıg, city in eastern Turkey, is situated on an elevation of 1.067 metres above sea level, near the Keban Dam, a large reservoir for the Euphrates and is surrounded by wine gardens. Elazığ was established at the foot of the historical Harput Castle, in Eastern Anatolia. According to the available historical sources, the oldest inhabitants of Harput is Hurrians in BC 2000.
The main product of Elazig and its surrounding region is wine, but a wide variety of other agricultural products are cultivated here as well. Modern Elazig is also a trading centre for crops and livestock.
In addition to the rich scientific program, rich social programs – tours will be planned for the evenings or before and after the conference. Therefore this is an excellent occasion to enjoy rich scientific program and explore Turkey and Eastern Anatolian region at the same time.
We look forward to meeting you in Elazığ on June 2013 on for this outstanding congress.
Cordially yours,
Prof. Dr. Turgay İsbir
Honorary President
Yeditepe University, Faculty of Medicine,
Chair of Department of Medical Biology & Molecular Medicine, Istanbul, Turkey
Prof. Dr. Necip İlhan
Congress President
Firat University, Faculty of Medicine,
Department of Biochemistry, Elazig, Turkey