ECEBAT 2013 "1st European Conference on Evidence Based Aquatic Therapy"
  İzmir / Balçova
Tıp Kongreleri
YER   İzmir / Balçova
TARİH   21-23.MART.2013
-Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Fizik Tedavi ve Rehabilitasyon Yüksekokulu

ETKİNLİK MERKEZİ   Balçova Termal Otel
On behalf of the scientific and organizing committees, we want to express our pleasure to introduce the 1st European conference on evidence based aquatic therapy (ECEBAT) : a peer reviewed conference focusing on the state-of-science in aquatic therapy.

We first want to define aquatic therapy and we would like to combine and adapt the descriptions, used by the aquatic physical therapy network of the World Confederation of Physical Therapy:

“Aquatic Therapy is a programme, using mechanical, thermal and chemical characteristics of water during partial or complete immersion, in combination with the effects of movement. It evokes short-term and long-term adaptational mechanisms of a person with a deranged biological system. The use of environment-related constraints to create psycho-biological effects should improve function, activities, participation and quality of life. Aquatic therapy is carried out by staff with appropriate knowledge and competence, ideally in a purpose built pool”.

At ECEBAT the term Aquatic therapy will encompass the entire area from passive immersion to high intensity aquatic movements, all focused on achieving health benefits by using water.

Aquatic therapy is in fact a popular professional field in health care, considering the amount of research, educational courses, aquatic facilities, Facebook groups and hits on e.g. Google or YouTube. But popularity isn’t enough. Clinical practice must be justified through the application of research results in combination with professional expertise and accounting for the patient’s preferences. These are the cornerstones of evidence based clinical practice. Although practice has traditionally been founded on clinical expertise, aquatic therapy research has increased enormously and in general supports the health effects of aquatic therapy in various patient groups. The profession has to be critical however. Because of it’s popularity many claims of potential health benefits are made but without proper evidence base. In view of restricted resources (moneywise and waterwise), aquatic therapy should be used for those patient categories that benefit most.

This conference will try to add a new stepping stone to the development of aquatic therapy, continuing a long European tradition of clinical practice, development of methods and networking in research.

We hope that we will be able to welcome many delegates to enjoy the scientific programme of our conference, supported by the cultural spirit of Izmir Johan Lambeck Baris Gürpinar Chair Scientific Committee Chair Organizing Committee 1st European Conference on Evidence Based Aquatic Therapy

Johan Lambeck
Chairman Scientific

Baris Gürpinar
Chair Organizing
