Dear Colleagues,
it is our privilege to announce the 26th Annual Meeting of the European Society of Head and Neck Radiology to be held in Izmir, Turkey from 3-5 October 2013.
For many years ESHNR meetings have provided an opportunity for radiologists and other relevant specialists to discuss the most current issues in the field of head and neck, and have attracted colleagues from Europe and beyond the limits of the continent.
We are honoured to invite colleagues from all over the world to our country, the land of miracles and boundaries where Hittites met Romans, Cleopatra met Caesar, Christianity met Islam, Europe met Asia and green met blue.
The meeting will take place in Izmir which is located on the Aegean coast of Turkey. The original city established in the third millennium B.C. acquired its name from an Amazon queen, Smyrna, and was mentioned by famous historian Herodotus as “the city under the most sublime blue sky and the remarkable climate”. Dotted with idyllic fishing harbours, popular holiday villages and the remains of ancient civilisations, this region offers an exceptional attractive venue for the meeting.
I am confident that the Izmir meeting will prove to be exceptional experience for the participants both in terms of scholarly programme and social activities.
We are looking forward to welcoming you at this outstanding meeting in our lovely country.
Prof.Dr. Can Karaman
Can Karaman, Congress President 2013