Agricasia 2013 "1. Orta Asya Modern Tarım Teknikleri ve Bitki Besleme
  1st Central Asia Congress on Modern Agricultural Techniques and Plant Nutrition
Tarım ve Ziraat
TARİH   1-3.EKİM.2013
DÜZENLEYEN KURULUŞ   -Kırgızistan-Türkiye Manas Üniversitesi
-Gaziosmanpaşa Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi

ETKİNLİK MERKEZİ   Kırgızistan-Türkiye Manas Üniversitesi
Cengiz Aytmatov Kampüsü

Dear Participants

We are highly excited and pleased to invite you to the congress titled "1st Central Asia Congress on Modern Agricultural Techniques and Plant Nutrition", which is an international congress, will be held on 01-03 October 2013 in Bishkek-Kyrgyzstan and be hosted by Kyrgyzstan-Turkey Manas University. Central Asia has a big importance as the natural result of its geographical location and for being an important bridge between the Eastern and Western cultures throughout the history. Turkish civilizations founded many settlements and left significant traces of culture spreading to the Middle East and even to the Middle Europe through this aforesaid area. This interaction especially arose from the Silk Road, which starts at China and reaches to the Mediterranean and Black Sea shores.

Increasing population and diminishing nutrition possibilities always take a big role among the reasons for migration from Central Asia to other countries. Especially the qualitative and quantitative degeneration in soil and water resources in recent years have posed to a decrease in agricultural production and productivity in Central Asia. Thereby, increasing the productivity and product quality obtained from unit area shows up as a global necessity. The basic approach for dealing this necessity is to use modern agricultural techniques consciously and effectively. A long term, reliable and sustainable success in production can only be obtained if it is based on this approach, as a matter of fact.

The basic purposes of this congress are to present agricultural researches and new techniques in different disciplines in the branches of modern agriculture and plant nutrition to a shared platform, to share experiences and to develop corresponding cooperation. The congress will also cardinally contribute to the studies of ‘Empowering the Agricultural Innovation Systems in Turkey and Middle Asian Countries’ which are being carried out within Turkey - FAO. Substantial cooperated studies, discussions of agricultural production problems and corporate decisions on healthy plant production are aimed as the outcome of this congress to be arranged. We expect your participation to this congress which will also orient to the creation of local projects about protection of soil and water resources and the development of agricultural innovation systems and thank you in advance for your precious contributions.

Chair of the Congress
Prof.Dr. Mehmet Rüştü KARAMAN
