Dear Friends and Colleagues,
It is a great pleasure to invite you to participate in the 14th Congress of Regional Committee on Mediterranean Neogene Stratigraphy which will be held in Istanbul, Turkey from 8th to 12th of September, 2013.
The RCMNS congresses have been held every four or five years since 1959 when the first congress was hosted in Vienna, Austria. In 2013, the 14th Congress will be held in Istanbul for the first time.
The Congress in Istanbul will provide an ideal platform for researchers, scientists and academicians from all continents and regions to share their ideas and thoughts on the various topics addressed during the congress. The main theme of the congress will be “Neogene to Quaternary Geological Evolution of Mediterranean, Paratethys and Black Sea”.
The congress will address the following specific topics:
Neogene Tectonics and sedimentary evolution of peri-Mediterranean areas
Geological evolution of the Sea of Marmara
Mediterranean-Atlantic exchange: causes and consequences
Mediterranen-Paratethys gateways and connections during the Neogene
Response of Paratethys to the Messinian Salinity Crisis
Mediterranean-Black Sea connections during Quaternary
Towards new understanding of Late Miocene Messinian Salinity Crisis
Advances in Mediterranean Paleoceanography
Recent Developments in Mediterranean Paleoclimatology
Neogene Mammalian successions and dispersals
Hominid evolution and climate
Quaternary researches: geomorphology, environment and geoarcheology
There will also be a choice of mid-congress excursion to W and NW of Istanbul to visit some Neogene localities or cultural city tours on 10th of September 2013 and a post-congress field excursion during 13th - 15th of September 2013 around the Sea of Marmara involving visits to some key Neogene and Quaternary stratigraphic sections and some archeological sites. Besides the scientific program, participants will have a chance to visit Istanbul with its multi-cultural and scientific heritage.
We hope that the 14th International Congress will be fruitful for you and you will enjoy your short stay in our city.
Looking forward to welcoming you in Istanbul.
With my best regards,
Prof. Dr. M. Namık ÇAĞATAY
Chairman of RCMNS 2013, Turkey