17th International Congress on Oral Pathology and Medicine
Tıp Kongreleri
YER   İstanbul
TARİH   25-30.MAYIS.2014
DÜZENLEYEN KURULUŞ   Patoloji Dernekleri Federasyonu
ETKİNLİK MERKEZİ   Harbiye Askeri Müze ve Kültür Sitesi
ETKİNLİK WEB SAYFASI   http://www.iaop2014istanbul.org/
Dear Colleagues,

It is a great honor and pleasure for the organizers to invite you to the 17th International Congress on Oral Pathology and Medicine which will be held in Istanbul from 25-30 May 2014.

The congress scientific program will cover a wide variety of subjects in the field of Oral Pathology and Medicine including many recent advances and comprehensive overviews. The Organizing Committee is working hard to put on a high quality meeting which will provide the expected blend of education and socialization. Colleagues, ranging from trainees to junior and senior specialists, pathologists, dentists, dermatologists, head and neck surgeons are all welcomed.

The congress will be held in the Harbiye Military Museum and Cultural Centre which is located in the centre of Istanbul and contain modern conference facilities and museum of charting the history of the Ottomans.

Istanbul maintains a distinguished position among world metropolises with its unique geographical location and cultural heritage spanning thousands of years. As one of the most energetic cities in the world, Istanbul continually grows as a centre of attraction. Istanbul offers a breathtaking choice of sights and tastes which will make your visit a memory to be treasured.

We look forward to welcoming you in Istanbul in the spring of 2014 for a stimulating scientific program. We are sure your experience at our congress will be a rewarding and unforgettable one.

Dr.Takashi Takata
President of IAOP

Dr.Ömer Günhan
Chair of Local Organizing Committee
