Dear Colleagues,
We are pleased to invite you to the 14th Pediatric Rheumatology European Society Congress to be held in Turkey on September 5-9, 2007. The setting will be the exciting city of Istanbul.
The meeting will start with the Young Investigators Meeting to be followed by a post-graduate course and the congress. The post-graduate course will cover the recent updates in pediatric rheumatology and the faculty will consist of distinguished members in the field. The scientific program of the Congress will include lectures, symposia, oral and poster presentations in clinical as well as basic science, which will enable us to share our experiences and the recent advances in pediatric rheumatology.
All through the centuries the mainland of Turkey has served as a bridge between Europe and Asia, which has fascinated the visitors with its hospitality. The vibrations of the ancient civilizations that have contributed to the culture and the heritage of the Ottoman Empire are vividly felt in the modern city of Istanbul. We hope to please you with the traditional Turkish hospitality during your stay in Istanbul.
We look forward to greet you in Turkey in September 5-9, 2007. We are sure that your stay will be academically, scientifically and socially rewarding.
Seza Ozen, M.D.
On Behalf of the Organizing Committee