IWPS 2015 "Uluslararası Rüzgar Gücü Kongresi"
  InterContinental Wind Power Congress 2015
YER   İstanbul
TARİH   30.MART-2.NİSAN.2015
DÜZENLEYEN KURULUŞ   -Türkiye Rüzgar Enerjisi Birliği (TÜREB)
-The European Wind Energy Association (EWEA)

ETKİNLİK MERKEZİ   İstanbul Kongre Merkezi
ETKİNLİK WEB SAYFASI   http://www.iwpc2015.org/
Esteemed Participants of the InterContinental Wind Power Congress 2015,

Energy is in the course of a rapid development and a dynamic change. Recent technological innovations and political trends are affecting the energy policies of countries. Therefore, energy supply security policy is one of the most important policy issues for ali decision- makers. Urgent need for the balance of energy supply and demand as well as feasible and possible solutions to overcome challenges related to energy, underpin an interactive dialogue among countries both at the regional and global level. Within this scope, boosting social welfare and improving market competitiveness of countries in today's global world has become the primary concern ofvarious political, economic and academic platforms.

Import dependency, global warming, energy supply security and the price hike of fossil fuels have increased the role of the renewables in the energy mix. Wind power generation has rapidly progressed över the last decade, especially after recent developments in the wind türbine technologies. As shown by statistics, many countries have set goals for high penetration levels of wind generation.

In retrospect, a global platform of dialogue in the fıeld of wind energy will be organized in collaboration with TWEA (Turkish Wind Energy Association), EWEA (European Wind Energy Association) and GWEC (Global Wind Energy Council).

"InterContinental Wind Power Congress (IWPC) " is going to be held in istanbul, in 2015. This Congress and Exhibition aims to play a pivotal role in further promoting wind energy by hosting ali leading players of the sector, high level government offıcials, relevant public and private entities, fînancial and research institutions, representatives of non-governmental organizations, as well as academicians. Turkey, as one of the fastest growing wind market, is going to be a meeting point for ali the leading players of wind power that they will be able to exchange views, share best practices, technologies and innovations, as well as seek new investment opportunities.

IWPC Congress and Exhibition will defınitely be a building block and opportunity for exchanging sectoral knowledge, experience and know-how. Henceforth, I have a full confidence that it will contribute in creating added value and synergy through gathering ali political decision-makers, academicians, public and private entrepreneurs investing in the global wind energy sector.

Taking this opportunity, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to ali the participants contributing to IWPC 2015 by attending this event. I would also like to offer my best wishes for the continuation of IWPC in the coming years, with much larger participation and greater input through exchanging innovative ideas.

Chairman IWPC 2015

Assoc. Prof. H. Murat MERCAN
