International Symposium on Advances in Lamiaceae Science
YER   Antalya
TARİH   26-29.NİSAN.2017
DÜZENLEYEN KURULUŞ   -Anadolu Üniversitesi Eczacılık Fakültesi
-Akdeniz Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi

ETKİNLİK MERKEZİ   Rixos Downtown Antalya Otel
We cordially invite you to join the International Symposium: Advances in Lamiaceae Science to be held on April 26-29, 2017 in Antalya, Turkey to enjoy interesting and informative lectures reporting the most recent developments in the field of Lamiaceae.

Lamiaceae is an important family encompassing aromatic plants such as mint, oregano, thyme, sage, melissa, lavender, satureja, basil, rosemary, sideritis, perilla, etc. which have been used and traded for their culinary as well as flavour and fragrance properties and biological activities, as well as those used in medicine such as skullcap among others.

Two previous symposia on Lamiaceae were held in 1992 in Kew Gardens, London, UK and in 2006 in San Remo, Italy gathering scientists from all over the World to discuss scientific developments in the science of Lamiaceae. This will be the third in the row as a follow up to the previous symposia with the same aim to discuss and review recent developments in the field with special emphasis to systematics, taxonomy, phylogeny, phytochemistry, agronomy, horticulture, ethnobotany, biological activities, culinary uses, industrial developments and trade, etc.

The symposium is expected to bring together scientists, growers and traders from all over the World to contribute, discuss, exchange views and learn recent advancements in Lamiaceae science.

Antalya is a preferred seaside venue to visit in Turkey thanks to its natural beauties, historical and cultural richness blended with unmatched Turkish hospitality. Being on the outskirts of Taurus mountains, flora of Antalya is quite rich and diverse. Hundreds of five-star hotels and resorts offer excellent service and conference facilities. The International Airport of Antalya has direct links with all the major towns in Europe.

The symposium will offer a rich scientific program with invited lectures given by prominent scientists. Your scientific contributions are welcome as oral or poster presentations. Abstracts will be published in a special issue of the quarterly open Access journal Natural Volatiles and Essential Oils (NVEO).

I look forward to meeting you in Antalya next April.

Prof. Dr. K. Hüsnü Can Başer
