5. Uluslararası İletişim Öğrencileri Kongresi -ICSC 2017
  5th International Communication Students Congress
Öğrenci Kongreleri
YER   İstanbul
TARİH   23-24.MART.2017
DÜZENLEYEN KURULUŞ   Maltepe Üniversitesi İletişim Fakültesi

ETKİNLİK MERKEZİ   Marma Kongre Merkezi
ETKİNLİK WEB SAYFASI   http://icsc.maltepe.edu.tr/
The fifth edition of the International Communication Students Congress (ICSC), organized by the students of the Faculty of Communication, will take place at the Marma Hotel İstanbul , in the Maltepe University campus, on 23-24 March 2017.

The conference programme will be including cultural events, visits to the media production facilities on campus and to exhibitions that will be displayed at the Faculty of Communication, as well as a cultural tour of the city. Please note that accepted presenters will be able to
- attend the conference free of charge, this including access to the keynote speech, the panel sessions, the coffee breaks, lunches, the gala dinner and the full day cultural tour of Istanbul
- use the free shuttle services available on the day before and after the event for transfers to and from Istanbul Atatürk and Sabiha Gökçen airports
- be hosted for 3 nights at the Marma Hotel İstanbul , including Turkish/continental breakfast and high speed wi-fi, free of charge.

For any further information about the event, please contact the Secretary General of the ICSC 2017 at icsc@maltepe.edu.tr

Looking forward to welcome you to Istanbul soon!

ICSC 2017 Organizing Committee
