ARACONF 2020 International Conference On Access To Recent Advances
  In Engineering and Digitalization
YER   Kayseri
TARİH   5-7.MART.2020
DÜZENLEYEN KURULUŞ   Nuh Naci Yazgan Üniversitesi
ETKİNLİK MERKEZİ   Nuh Naci Yazgan Üniversitesi
The main target of the International Conference On Access To Recent Advances In Engineering And Digitalization (ARACONF) aims to provide an established international forum for scientists in academia and industry, to present their works, to exchange their experiences, and to share recent advances. It comprehensively addresses accessibility and high quality of interaction in the recent development life-cycle in a multidisciplinary perspective.
The conference serves as a multi-disciplinary platform for discussing current issues in the multi-disciplinary researches.The conference intends to help, promote and encourage research in this field by providing a forum for interaction and exchanges among researchers, academics, and practitioners in the multi-disciplinary research.
The Conference will take place in Kayseri, located in the center of Turkey. 4000 year old trading center whose significance spanned powerful empires. In the east of Cappadocia lies Kayseri, the city known as Caesarea in Roman times. As with many human settlements in Anatolia, Kayseri has a long history and a rich cultural heritage.

ARACONF 2020 accepts abstracts or full papers both in Turkish and English.
Researchers can submit just abstract or full paper.
Papers can be presented by oral or poster.
All abstracts and full papers will be evaluated under blind-review process.
The submissions will be reviewed by at least two independent referees.
Researchers have to use Microsoft Conference Management System for submission.
Similarity should be 25% without references, 30% with references at most.
Selected papers will be published in EJOSAT - indexed in TRDİZİN - TRINDEX
The best rated articles are recommended to be published, in extended versions, in AECE.The journal is included in the Science Citation Index Expanded (SCI-E).
Accepted abstracts and full papers will be published in the conference proceedings.
Proceeding book with ISBN will be published online.
