The first AGBIOL conference has been organized in 2018 in Edirne, Turkey by Trakya University, with over 400 participants. Our conference is a premier international science, technology and business forum focusing on Agriculture, Biology and Life Sciences.
The AGBIOL 2020 Conference was planned to be held on 7-9 July, 2020 in Edirne, Turkey.
The Organizing Committee of AGBIOL 2020 considers the health, safety, and security of its conference attendees and community as its top priority. Due to an uncertain COVID-19 situation, which results in a very difficult travel restriction for most countries and the fact that there is no definite end in sight, with a careful consideration in all aspects, then AGBIOL 2020 has decided to move towards the organization of a fully on-line AGBIOL 2020 as digital event, in lieu of an in-person event.
The AGBIOL 2020 e-conference will be organized by Trakya University, Edirne, Turkey focusing on Agriculture, Biology and Life Sciences topics, on September 1-3, 2020. The virtual event will be held in TU Balkan Congress Center in Edirne, Turkey. The program will include oral talks by invited prominent scientists as well selected topics from the submitted abstracts.
Authors, whose submitted abstracts are being selected, are requested to prepare e-posters which will be accessible at the conference virtual poster hall. Additionally, the e-posters will be exhibited in electronic poster panels in the TU Balkan Congress Center.
The preferable e-conference presentation language is English, but Turkish, French and Russian will be also acceptable. Same language presentations will be organized in separate virtual session.
However, please keep in mind that all the submitted abstracts and full papers must be in English only.
The participants with paid conference fee will be able to access all the virtual presentation talks in each session, as well as to visit the virtual poster hall via preliminary provided participant ID and codes.
The selected abstracts will be published in the Conference Abstract and Proceedings Book. Participants might send us their full papers, which based on their preferences will be published either in our Conference Abstract and Proceedings Book or in selected International Indexed Scientific Journals.
See you in our virtual conference!
Prof Dr Yalcin KAYA
Chair of the Organizing Committee