The goal of ICMECE2021 is to gather scientists, engineers, researchers, technicians and industrial representatives to present the cutting-edge studies on Mechanical, Computer and Electrical Systems and form an interdisciplinary academic forum to discuss the scientific and engineering issues to arrive at more complete systems for the applications of future world.
The audience on the interdisciplinary issues can be M.Sc./Ph.D. students, post graduate Students, research Scholars, post-doc scientists and all other academicians related to Mechanical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Electrical, Electronics & Communication Engineering, Computer Science & Engineering, Communication Engineering, Mechatronics, and Natural Sciences. In addition, companies focusing on the entrepreneurship and research & development can participate, too. The conference will perform traditional research paper presentations as well as the keynote talks by prominent speakers focusing on the related state-of-the-art technologies in the interdisciplinary fields of the conference.
Presently, the academia and researchers are not only pondering but also experiencing the overwhelming outcomes of interdisciplinary researches. Indeed, interdisciplinary studies are encouraged by the governments, research agencies and by the academic institutions in order to create more complete products and knowledge. The intent behind such an interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary approach is to provide a common platform, where academia, industrial delegates and nominees from various Government and Private Universities and Institutions can meet, and cherish about achievements so far, as well as deliberate upon futuristic approaches. The deliberations will not only encompass all avenues of electrical, electronics, computer science and information technology but also through spotlight on positive and inadvertent impact of modern technologies our societies.
The context of the conference is fostering the research culture among academia and industry on new ideas and brainstormings. Furthermore, the intent of the organization is to help the transcendental growth, recent trends, innovations and security issues involved in the domain of communication technologies, sustainable smart electrical systems, high performance computing, big data, social media, hardware & software design, advanced software engineering, Internet of Things (IoT), e-governance etc. and their impact on societal applications. The conference will facilitate the young researchers, industries and research agencies especially, those, who are carrying out their research work in the aforesaid domain of Natural Sciences, Mechanical Engineering, Computer Science & Engineering, Information Technology, Electrical, Electronics and Communication Engineering with valuable discussions in order to make fruitful outcomes.