ICLEL 7. Uluslararası Yaşamboyu Eğitim ve Liderlik Konferansı
  7th International Conference on Lifelong Education and Leadership for All
  Saraybosna / BOSNA-HERSEK / ONLINE
TARİH   24-26.AĞUSTOS.2021
DÜZENLEYEN KURULUŞ   -Sakarya Üniversitesi
-International University of Sarajevo-Bosnia Herzegovina

ETKİNLİK WEB SAYFASI   www.iclel.com/
Dear Colleagues and Researchers,

​It is a great pleasure and an honor to extend to you a warm invitation to attend the 7 th International Conference on Lifelong Education and Leadership for All, to be held August 24-26, 2021 at International University of Sarajevo-Bosnia Herzegovina. The main topic of ICLEL 20 is " Emotions, Diversity, Leadership and Sustainability " & Post COVID 19 Education and Institutitons.

Iclel 21 conference will be organized HYBRID Methodology (Face to face oral presentations, online presentations and online poster presentations).

​We were in Olomouc/Czech Republic during ICLEL 15 and in Liepaja/Latvia during ICLEL 16, Education Faculty of Politehnica University of Porto, Portugal during ICLEL 17, Lower Silesia University in Wroclaw Poland during ICLEL 18 ; Azerbaijan State University of Economics, Baku during 2019 and Sakarya University-Turkey during ICLEL 20. . We would like to THANKS host partners for last 6 conferences. SARAJEVO is an exceptional location for the academic congress and The ICLEL 2021 will provide a wonderful forum for you to refresh your knowledge base and explore the innovations in lifelong education and leadership. The Conference will strive to offer plenty of networking opportunities, providing you with the opportunity to meet and interact with the leading scientists and researchers, friends and colleagues as well as sponsors and exhibitors. We hope you will join us for a symphony of outstanding science, and take a little extra time to enjoy the spectacular and unique beauty of this region.

ICLEL Conferences focuses high quality publication processes. ICLEL 21 has 2 (two) Special Issue on Sustainability Journal and Frontiers Journals indexed in SSCI and also we will arrange a Special Issue on an ERIC indexed Journal. Moreover, Conference Proceeding Book indexed ISI Web of Science by Thomson and Reuters. We create options for participants publishing their papers in SSCI and ERIC indexed journals. ICLEL 19 and ICLEL 20 Conference Books will be sent to the Thomson and Reuters for indexing in WoS and also Elsevier for indexing in Scopus.

During ICLEL 2021, top keynote speakers will be with us such as;

1. Prof.Dr. Rick Ginsberg- Dean of Education Faculty-The Kansas University-USA

2. Asst. Prof.Dr. Mirzana Pasiç Kodriç-University of Sarajevo- Bosnia & Herzegovina

3. Dr. David Caruso- Yale University- USA - Head of EIConsortium

4. Prof.Dr. Carlos Sousa de Reis- Portugal

5. Assoc. Prof.Dr. David Howard- Oxford University-England

6. Prof.Dr. Carlos RODRIQUES- Portugal

7. Asst Prof. Dr. Ana Campina - Portugal

​During ICLEL 18 , ICLEL19 and ICLEL 20 , 33 papers published on SSCI Special Issues, 87 papers has published on ERIC Indexed journal and 20 papers published on ijlel journal and other published on Conference Proceeding Book. Iclel 18 Conference Proceeding Book also indexed in Web of Science (WoS). During ICLEL 2020, editorial board select least 4 papers for BEST PAPER AWARDS and we will give best paper awards during to the conference related research papers. If you would like to learn about Iclel Conferences you can watch videos below. If you decided to submit a paper to the 7 th International Conference on Lifelong Education and Leadership For All - ICLEL 21 please click SUBMIT an ABTSRACT menu up and you will find REGISTER menu bottom. After then please click PAPER SUBMISION menu. You will upload your paper easily! If you would like to attend as AUDIENCE, please fill AUDIENCE REGISTRATION FORM and send iclelconference@iclel.com for registration. Conference language is ENGLISH and during ICLEL 2020 we are giving some oppurtunities such as ;

1. Paper Presentations : ORAL, POSTER, VIRTUAL

2. Organizing an art exhibition

3. Academic musical performance & concert

​During ICLEL 20; we published ;

15 papers published on SSCI indexed journals

33 papers published on ERIC indexed journal

47 papers published on Scopus indexed journal

These publication options will continue and we will accept papers related to (index: Scopus) ;

Human movement and Sport,

Business and Accounting,

Information Technology in Industry,

Computer and Mathmematics Education as well.

About accomodations options please click HOTEL & TRAVEL menu and investigate that menu carefully. We are looking forward to see you in Sarajevo between August 24-26, 2021. With best wishes...

Prof. Dr. Osman TİTREK Chair of ICLEL Conferences
