Humanities and Social Sciences of Maltepe University takes pride in inviting undergraduate and graduate students to send their abstracts for the 8th International Student Congress with the name of “Maltepe University International Student Congress On Humanities And Social Sciences (HUMSOS)” to be held at Maltepe University.
Since 2013, Maltepe University International Student Congress (MUISC) has hosted students from all around the world giving them the opportunity to express and exchange research interests and ideas on a variety of important issues in their respective fields of study.
The main theme of the Congress will be “Adaptation to Pandemic and the New Future.” We welcome submissions of BA/MA and Ph.D. students for individual papers (up to 2 papers), media practice contributions (audio / video) and posters that should be addressing, but not limited to, the following topics:
Pandemic & Faculty of Business and Management Sciences
New normal in the Global Pandemic Process
Pandemic and Business Environment
Pandemic and Digitalization
Pandemic and International Relations
Pandemic in Logistics, Supply Chain Management and Transportation
Pandemic and Unemployment
Pandemic and Economic Empowerment
Pandemic and E-Business
Pandemic and Global Inequality
Pandemic and Migration
Pandemic and Civil Society
Pandemic & Faculty of Communication
Adaptation to the New Normal in Communications (seamlessness of communication, ongoing dialogue through new channels etc.)
Collaborative Thinking in the new Ecosystem
Media Coverage (e.g. fake news) during Covid-19 Pandemic
Agenda Setting during Covid-19 Pandemic (Traditional vs. Digital Media)
Film Studies in the Age of Covid-19 Pandemic
Adaptation of Marketing Communication Strategy in the Post-Pandemic Period
The Importance of Health Communication in the Post-Pandemic Period
Changes in Digital Communication during Covid-19 Pandemic
Pandemic & Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
Adaptation to social life in pandemic
Attitudes and behaviors of people during the pandemic
Transitions in social interactions - interpersonal relationships
Transitions in social habits
Gender role in pandemic
Cultural considerations (the impact of the cancellation of many national cultural events, emergence of new socialies expressions)
Positive and negative psychosocial outcomes of pandemic
People's psychological coping strategies with pandemic
Philosophy and pandemic process (epistemology, moral philosophy, ontology, philosophy of science, philosophy of art etc.)
Pandemic & Faculty of Education
Psychological Counselling and Psychological Services in Education During Pandemic
Distance Learning
Technology Use During Pandemic
Adult Learning During Pandemic
Early Childhood Education During Pandemic
Philosophical Dimensions of Education
Special Education During Pandemic
Multicultural Education
Parental Involvement in Education During Pandemic
Comparative Education
New Approaches to Assessment and Evaluation in Distance Learning
Digital Learning
Online Counselling
Education Management During Pandemic
STEM (Science-Technology-Engineering-Math) Education
Teaching Turkish as a Foreign Language
Child Rights During Pandemic
Vocational Guidance and Career Counseling
Teaching and Learning Foreign Language During Pandemic
Pandemic & Faculty of Law
The Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on :
Contract Law
Public Law
Civil Law
Investment Law
Arbitration Law
Labour Law
Health Law
Private International Law
Intellectual Property
Tax Law
Criminal Law
Insurance Law
Family Law
Human Rights
Commercial Law