ICOPEC 2021 12th International Conference on Political Economy
İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler
TARİH   24-26.HAZİRAN.2021
DÜZENLEYEN KURULUŞ   Çeşitli Üniversiteler
ETKİNLİK WEB SAYFASI   www.icopec.org/
The Main Theme and Scope of the Conference: Impacts of COVID-19 on Societies and Economies

The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic became a profound shock to our societies and economies as a black swan event. It is an unprecedented global health crisis that has resulted in over 111 million confirmed cases and over 2,5 million deaths globally. The COVID-19 pandemic is not only a public health threat. It is affecting societies and economies at their core and on all facets of life. Social distancing, self-isolation, and travel restrictions have to lead to a reduced workforce across multiple sectors. Millions of enterprises face an existential threat. Nearly half of the world’s 3.3 billion global workforces are at risk of losing their livelihoods. Tens of millions of people are at risk of falling into extreme poverty and many may die from hunger. The COVID-19 simultaneously exposes structural inequalities across every sphere. Informal economy workers are particularly vulnerable because the majority lack social protection and access to quality health care and have lost access to productive assets. Without the means to earn an income during lockdowns, many are unable to feed themselves and their families. This conference aims to identify how the COVID-19 experience will change many economic and social dynamics and what can be done for a better World.

Apart from its main theme, ICOPEC 2021 also invites and welcomes all contributions that enrich the perspectives of the Political Economy and expand the ground for better policy analyses and making. Indicatively, proposed papers may touch upon the following issues:

Different Country Policies and Practices Related to COVID-19

Setting the Priorities for Effective Control of the Outbreak
Impact of Restrictions on the Transmission of the Pandemic
Responding to Public Health Emergencies
Benefiting from Technological Innovation to Protect People
Access to Health Care Services
Impact on Health Systems
Impact on Health Policies
Impact on Health Expenditures
Effects on Education Systems
Effects on the Quality of Education
Impact on the Poor and Vulnerable People
COVID-19 – Lessons Learnt and the Way Forward
Alternative Mechanism/Approaches for Fighting with Disasters and Pandemics
Basic Income Type Implementations to Cope with the Poverty and the Pandemic
Varieties of Discriminations during Pandemics
Transparency and Reliability of Data during the Pandemic under Authoritarian Regimes
Sociological, Psychological, and Political Effects of Social Distancing and Restrictions on Society

Effects on Communication and Interaction
Effect of Media and Its News on People
Effects on Work-Life
Effects on Labour Market Discriminations and Wage Gaps
Effects on Socialization
Impact on Politics
Impact on Inequalities
Impact on Psychological Resilience
Impact on Mental Health
Effects on Academic Life
Effects on Privacy and Human Rights
Effects on Urbanization and Urban Transformation
Effects on the Forms of Social Life and Domestic Violence
COVID-19 from the Lens of Philosophy, Cinema, and Art
Impact of COVID-19 on Economy and Development

Impact on the Type of Consumption
Impact on Unemployment and Flexible Employment
Effects on Monetary and Fiscal Policies
Impact on Financial System and Financial Institutions
Impacts on International Trade
Impacts on Investment
Impacts on Sectors
Impact on Informal Economy
Effects on Energy and Commodity Prices
Impact of COVID-19 News on Stock Market Volatilities
Rent-Seeking and Corruption during COVID-19 Process
Poverty Dynamics during COVID-19 Process
Effects of Disasters and Pandemics on Economic Crises
Shared Economy and Inclusive Development
Institutional Quality, Administrative Capacity, and Development
Effects of COVID-19 on Public Administration and Public Finance

Effects on Central and Local Administration
Effects on Public Policy and Social Expenditures
Public Administration Quality, Transparency, and Accountability
Public Goods, Public Bads, and Public Policy
Tax Policy Measures to Cope with the Pandemic
Taxing while There is a Pandemic
Effective Ways to Tax the Powerful and the Sophisticated
International Tax Competition and Under-Investment in Public Goods
Redistributive Fiscal Policies
Behavioral Insights for Tax Compliance
Tax Burden Fairness and Tax Compliance
Tax Compliance and the Slippery Slope Framework
Global Commons and Tragedy of Commons
COVID-19 and International Relations

Global Political Economy and Power Politics
Cooperation, Conflict, and Security in Global Politics
Hegemonic Struggles, Trade Wars, and the Pandemic
War Zones, Cross-Border Migration, Minorities, and the Pandemic
Effects of COVID-19 on the Global Peace
New World Order After COVID-19
Effects of COVID-19 on International Institutions
Effects of COVID-19 on Regional Collaborations
Effects of COVID-19 on the Nation States and Statism
Effects of COVID-19 on Social State
Big Data, Artificial Intelligence, COVID-19, and Environment

How Data Can Help Fight A Health Crisis Like the Coronavirus?
Is It Possible to Identify Outbreaks and Predict Their Movement with Machine Learning?
Effects of COVID-19 on CO2 Emissions and Environment
COVID-19 and a Sustainable Recovery
Renewable Energies, Green Buildings, and Green Vehicles for Sustainable Future
Society and Politics in the Age of Artif
